Summer is pretty much over for now in Belgium, and as usual I've finished many many books while being on holiday in Greece. Here's a summery of my favorite summer reads!
1. George R.R. Martin - A game of thrones
Yes, I've finally jumped on the all-too-famous bandwagon. And yes, I'm extremely late to the nerdish party. I am so hooked, can't wait to read all of the other books of the series and am currently watching the series 'cause I just can't wait. The characters are great and the writing style is addictive!
2. William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet
A true classic, of course.
3. J.K. Rowling - Quidditch through the ages
I grew up with Harry Potter, and J.K. Rowling truly brings back the little kid in me. She wrote three booklets from the wizarding world for Comic Relief, which I find just as amazing as the cute stories from the booklets.
4. Tamara Mellon - In her shoes
This book tells the story of the co-founder of famous shoe brand Jimmy Choo. It was interesting to follow her professional journey in the fashion industry, she definitely did not take the typical career path to get where she was when writing the book, which was nice to discover, but also kind of irritated me at times. All in all a good book to get you ready for school, college, a new job or just to get back to work with a good attitude!
5. Alexa Chung - It
I've always had kind of a girl crush on Alexa, so this was on my reading list for a long time. Don't expect any kind of memoirs or very personal story here. Alexa shares some of her best fashion and beauty tips and offers us some very light reading. Perfect for on the beach!
Have you read any of these books? What was your fave summer read?
xX Anine
Die 'It' van Alexa Chung stond een tijd op mijn wishlist, maar ik heb 'm eens doorbladerd bij de Urban Outfitters en was een beetje teleurgesteld. Maybe someday...